Saturday, November 7, 2009


Aloha! (I wish we were all somewhere very, very warm. which is not here.)
How is everybody doing? It's been a long time. I miss you all, so much.
What ever happened to writing once a week? I know, I've been slacking just as much.
So here's my update:
School is going really well. I only have 2 more tests and then I have my theory final on Nov 20th. Then I do the drive to Calgary to see Kayla and to go see New Moon! We're both pretty excited for it, it's gonna be a great movie I think! Much larger budget this go round.
I'm home next weekend, like the 14-15. Hopefully if you (Jamie and Janine) don't have plans we can see each other. Maybe Saturday night? Let me know what your plans are. Haven't seen you in much too long!
I have finally caved in, and I started watching Grey's Anatomy. It is SO addicting. Personally, so far, I think Addison is really nice. People warn me that that isn't long-lived. And HOW SAD IS IT THAT DENNY DIES?! ahhh my life, saddest episode ever.
I'm sorry I don't really have a whole lot to tell you guys. My life is pretty boring these days.. Get up, go to school, come home, eat, study, watch TV, bed. I don't really go out with any of the girls in my class on the weekends... today Carmen, a girl from Saskatoon who I worked with at Sunsera is visiting Edmonton with a friend so we walked down Whyte Ave. for a while.. and now I'm thinking it's time to study. Well I dunno if any of you are still reading this thing or not, but it would be great to hear from you. All. Hope you have a good weekend. Love you.

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